Friday 27 February 2015

Marketplace Model

Marketplace Model

“The future lies in the hybrid marketplace-led model where the seller is also selling his own labels as well as provides a platform for merchants and sellers to sell their products. If a seller has to make available large merchandise to his buyers, it has to adopt a marketplace-led model. The real use of internet would be if the small merchandisers get a chance to sell their products to a wider range of audience,” said Vivek Gaur, CEO,

Flipkart had based its business model on Amazon when it was launched in 2007. But, now it has completely changed its business model last year. Inspired by Alibaba, it now claims that reason was due to the Indian market, where customers and income levels are quite similar to that of China. What does this really mean?

It means that the product or service is provided by multiple third parties, whereas transactions are processed by the marketplace operator. Transparency is ensured by applying the same set of rules to all participants, and because buyers and sellers know who they are dealing with. Trust is provided by features such as buyer and seller ratings, reviews, and integrity / guarantee of payment.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of marketplace model?


  1. ·        It can sell a large number of stock keeping units (SKU) without maintaining any inventory
  2. ·        Operational efficiency improve as some overheads are transferred to the seller
  3. ·        Being a marketplace provider allows you to focus on developing eCommerce technologies


  1. ·        It is much tougher to implement product quality control in a marketplace model, as the seller is primarily responsible for the products
  2. ·        With a multitude of sellers, brand salience is one of the first things to get hit in the marketplace model

Monday 23 February 2015

Online Commerce in India-Part 2

Online Commerce in India- Part 2

In the first part, I had discussed problems facing Indian commerce industry. Now, let me look at its solutions.
The solutions:

Segmentation: It's critically important. Not all consumers should be treated the same — they're all different in value. Even the most basic forms of segmentation, can produce good results. The simplest, most-effective form of segmentation involves dividing customers up into first-time users, high-value active customers (who drive 80 percent of profits), and inactive-users. If you take first-time users through the "tunnel of love" in the first 30 days, they're likely to become active customers.

Listen and Serve: Think and act like a concierge at a hotel. Listening to your customers and providing proper service may help resolve any privacy breach. Give customers the ability to tell you what they want. Remind them about deals and promotions — if they've asked that information.

One Chance: Everyone has forgotten the power of opportunity: You only have one chance to get it right, so be right from the beginning. I recommend a microscopic examination of details such as when customers are most likely to buy. For example, don't try to market apparel in July, when consumers are more inclined to spend toward travel, not clothing. With sophisticated tools, marketers can identify the specific day that a deal or promotion might have the most impact.

Personalization: Personalization, while a challenge, if addressed well can be a huge differentiator in how the customer experience is shaped in the online world. Utilize intelligent tools like web analytics, study customer behavior online, reward and reach out to customers. The more personalization you can out into your web-store, the more the customers will love you.

Make Your Site Navigable: Customers sometimes tend to get lost in your site. Provide proper navigation in your site to make things easier for your customers. Try to make your e-commerce site properly structured.

Choosing e-commerce solution: It is better to do some research based on your specific needs. Read the feature lists, try demos, and get reviews from who know better about this. It is always better to choose something that has large community as it will offer help, tutorials, sample codes, third party plug-ins, themes, and security auditing, which will help you in enhancing the productivity for your e-commerce web-store.

Delivered Duties Paid: E-marketers pay duties and taxes for what they sell. It is better to sell products internationally on an all-inclusive price basis and hassle free services though all international courier facilities. Product registration and reduction is shipping cost is another good solution.

Shipping: It is better to deliver in bulk in one go to a single hub and distribute based on domestic shipping charges. This is called regionalization.

Product Return and Refund: Make sure that all product descriptions are up-to-date and relevant. Also ensure that the products you deliver are procured from certified vendors.

Multiple Payment Options: Be open for all payment gateways, start entertaining e-Wallets, prepaid cards etc. which will offer better cash flow and relieve customers from credit card problems.

Focus on Customer Service: Online users want fast response to their query. So start interacting with them through 24X7 emails, calls, and chat assistance. Make your customers interact with you through all possible means like social media marketing etc. Keep reminding them about deals and promotions that you are offering and try to know what they think about them.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Revival of the Silk Route

Revival of the Silk Route

The ancient silk route is one of the world’ best travel route, whether it is by road or by maritime. In the past it had facilitated goods, cultures, religions, intellectual ideas, important inventions etc. Though right now it is not important to spread these ideas by travelling across vast areas of land, due to the advent of Internet, I still think it is important to revive the silk route.

In the contemporary world, which is full of belligerent nations ready to go to war, the Silk Route would foster new ties of friendships across the countries which it spans. It will also connect the newly emerging superpower China with Eastern Europe. It will bring in much needed investment from western countries to create new special economic zones along the Silk Route.