Sunday 27 November 2016

Oyu Tolgoi Mine

Oyu Tolgoi Mine

An upcoming mine project (underground and open) in Mongolia which is the largest financial undertaking in the small country of Mongolia, costing US$4.6 billion. Many have described it as the largest mining project in the world. It is expected to bring many benefits to the Mongolian economy, especially increasing its economy by 35%. It has already contributed $800 million in pre-tax payments to the government of Mongolia. It is also expected to employ 15,000 Mongolians. 
 “Oyu Tolgoi is a catalyst for investment in infrastructure including housing for company employees, utilities and services in the Khanbogd soum and regional cities. The Project is developing roads, air transport and an electric grid in the South Gobi region and is investing $126 million in Mongolia’s largest education and training program to support university education and vocational training for mining and technical graduates across Mongolia.” (Gcgf) This project is expected to kick-start financial investments from other countries. The region is also expected to oppose China as the sole premier economic hub. The project is also expected to follow internal guidelines and rules for safety. 

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais

Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais

Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais is a hospital in Mirebalais that was created by Partners In Health after the 2010 Haiti earthquake. It features solar power that can provide complete power on sunny days and feed power back to the grid. It is the largest solar-operated hospital in the world.
“With 1,800 solar panels, the building is immune to the country’s frequent power cuts, and on very sunny days can produce a surplus that will boost the flailing national grid. The hospital is equipped with the latest technology, including virtual teaching facilities. Private funding for this PPP came from donors such as the American Red Cross, the GE Foundation and Artists for Haiti, with US-based international aid organization.” (KPMC)

Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais, a state-of-the-art medical facility, was funded by several non-profit organizations, including the Red Cross, the GE Foundation, and Artists for Haiti, an organization founded by actor Ben Stiller and art gallery owner David Zwirner.