Saturday 30 September 2017

Hyperloop- The future?

Hyperloop- The future?

In recent times, "Two teams from India are among the 10 winners for the Hyperloop One global challenge that identified new routes to be developed, using the technology which is aimed at transporting people and goods at super fast speeds" (Livemint). This could be a game-changer in a country starved of proper ground infrastructure.

 Five years after Elon Musk introduced the concept, many questions remain on the feasibility of such a system in a developing country like India. While proponents of it constantly argue for its low cost, they don’t account the entire cost of creating such a system- from pods and linear motors, to electric lines, excavations and tubes.

My opinion on such a system is that initial tests must be only done on lines between two major hubs- such as Ahmedabad-Jaipur, Chennai-Bangalore-Hyderabad or NCR region. This would benefit users more rather than starting bullet trains, which would probably have the same cost as airplane tickets. The existence of such a system could also attract business, investment, workers and skilled professionals to the region and allow these corridors to gain an advantage in the global economy.

Apart from moving passengers, I believe there would be more advantages in moving freight. This would be safe, economic and reliable. “Shippers want availability, or system uptime, which is one of Hyperloop’s advantages over rail or roads. Being an autonomous system enclosed in a tube eliminates a lot of safety hazards such as grade crossings, but also takes weather and operator error out of the equation…Shippers also get flexibility” (Forbes).

Hence, Hyperloop must be looked as a future means of transportation in not only India but also across the world. But, at the same time, it is of vital importance to understand the ground zero situation, regarding its feasibility and make sure it is viable regarding cost, time, safety and sustainability.

Monday 18 September 2017

Lucknow Metro- The Metro of Controversies

Lucknow Metro- The Metro of Controversies

Ever since Lucknow Metro stared operations, it has been embroidered in controversies after controversies. Some are non-work related, others include technical glitches, how would this new urban rapid transit system work out for Lucknow at the end?

Now, one of the major cities of India, Lucknow had been waiting for a mass transit system for a long time. The same problems experienced by others were still in place: rise in population, unacceptable and unpredictable journey times by road, uncontrollable levels of pollution. Hence, the Lucknow Metro has started.

A lot of time and efforts have been put into this. Apart from the technical factors, recently the Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation (LMRC) was awarded a ‘green metro rail system’, giving platinum certificate to all its eight Metro stations on the ‘priority corridor.

The managing director of LMRC Kumar Keshav has said “With benefits ranging from water conservation, energy efficiency, use of renewable energy, rain water harvesting, material conservation and commuter facilities, LMRC’s Platinum certified stations are set to provide world class experience to the people of Lucknow.” With all these major sustainable initiatives, what went wrong?

First, there was the controversy of sidelining the ‘Metro Man of India’ E. Sreedharan during inauguration which led to high criticism of the local government. Then, a technical snag led to 101 passengers being rescued through emergency rear exit. Emergecy break was applied; also there were reports that the lights and the air-conditioning system were not working when the train stopped.

Recently, Lucknow metro riders have been accused of smearing the station wall with paan stains. Just yesterday, more than 20 kg of tobacco products have been recovered from the daily commuters. With all these difficulties and technicalities putting an obstacle in its path to success, would the Lucknow Metro be extremely viable travel option? Let’s wait and watch!

Friday 8 September 2017

Suresh Prabhu's Tenure

Suresh Prabhu's Tenure

Definitely one of the most well-remembered Cabinet Ministers in recent times, Suresh Prabhu was moved to the Commerce Ministry from Railways last weekend. There have been umpteen questions on how he has managed to keep his job over the past few weeks, with the rising number of accidents. 

"A recent HuffPost India story estimated that around 238 persons to have lost their lives in "consequential train accidents" during the year 2016-17. Of these, 193 deaths were from derailments alone, the highest-ever number of deaths from such a cause in the 17 years for which data is available". If these reports are true, his head should have been rolled a long time ago. The frequency of such accidents have raised a huge question mark on safety of passengers. 

What Prabhu would be remembered for is his efforts to increase rail infrastructure in the North East. "In the last three years, the ministry under Prabhu was successful in including five northeastern states – Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura – to the broad gauge (BG) map of the country. As many as 29 new trains were introduced in the region in a span of just one year – 2016 to 2017" (The Wire). Though it can be said most of these projects were started in UPA/Vajpayee regimes, he gave the push when needed. He has been extremely instrumental in also strengthening the defense sectors in the Northeast.

Let us wait and watch what steps are taken by the new Railways Minister Piyush Goyal (who apparently has done a great job as a Power Minister).