Wednesday 25 April 2018

Westmill Solar Park

Westmill Solar Park

Just as with the High Speed 2, UK is also making huge investments into another sector which they feel would make it into a sustainable country: renewable energy. One of the most beautiful things in life is to see people taking initiative and combining resources for something productive. The Westmill Solar Park is one such project which combines both the statements mentioned above. It is said to be the largest community-owned photovoltaic power station in the world.

“Consisting of 30 acres of over 20,000 panels, it provides areliable source of renewable energy, reducing CO2 emissions by 1,800 tons per year and generating enough clean
electricity to power 1,400 homes. Some of the profits go to the community” (KPMG).

(Image credits: Energy Co-ops)

Tuesday 10 April 2018

High Speed 2

High Speed 2

UK is a great country which has proved many times that it is very capable of constructing megaprojects effectively. Yes, those projects also experience the same delays and budget constrains as others, but the Kingdom has figured out ways to streamline its operations by having an effective management. One megaproject which is being planned is High Speed 2.

The High Speed 2 would multiple cities in UK such as London, Manchester and Birmingham. Work on Phase One began in 2017, with operations planned to start in 2026, while Phase 2a would start in 2027 and phase 2b starting by 2033. HS2 would be publicly funded for at least the development and construction phase. It is expected to cost at least US$84.4 billion. “Proponents have billed it as the single biggest opportunity for UK economic growth in a generation, reducing travel times, releasing capacity, and better connecting the nation’s capital with the provinces. However, sceptics argue that public money could be better spent on local rail upgrades, with further concerns over environmental damage. The latest estimates suggest that HS2 will return around £2 worth of benefit for every £1 invested” (KPMG).

A map of the proposed project line (Image Credits: Peak Car)