Sunday 31 March 2019

Zagreb Airport

Zagreb Airport

“Croatia’s new PPP-financed airport in the capital Zagreb is a major accomplishment for a recent EU entrant, setting a benchmark for private finance in the region. This US$387‑million, 65,000 square meter concession has a traffic-risk component and‑includes maintenance of the airport infrastructure, positioning the country as a‑gateway between the western Balkans and‑the rest‑of Europe” (KPMG).

In 2018 it handled around 3.4 million passengers and some 13,500 tons of cargo. Over the last year, it received a 7.9% increase in passenger ridership, 2.1% in increase in revenue and a 312% increase in net income, the largest for an European airport. In fact, it has been described as among the best airports in Europe.

(Image Source: ArchDaily)

Sunday 24 March 2019

Garden Bridge

Garden Bridge

Most of the projects this blog has covered are either those whose construction is in progress or has been completed or has just started. Let us take look at one project which was started with great hope but was ultimately cancelled. This is the Garden Bridge project.
“From regenerating old spaces to creating new ones, a proposed pedestrian footbridge over the River Thames in London has been dubbed a “floating paradise garden”. The US$253 million Garden Bridge includes a stunning new public garden and will be covered with foliage, creating an instant landmark. Primary funding is expected to come from private donations, with around US$50 million coming from the UK government.” (KPMG). It would have features more than 250 trees with lots of greenery; doubling as an eco-tourist hotspot.
In August 2017, this project was officially scraped. Why? And what went wrong? Well, for starter, its critics argue that there was no need for the bridge to function in that area. There has been much anger on how effectively public money had been used. Legal rights for sale of land was not cleared. Budget overruns, ego clashes, allegations of favouritism- all these stained the project.
But its intention was necessary, though if not needed now. Garden Bridge might have failed, but many do say it would be the prototype of pedestrian bridges in the future.

A rendering of the bridge (Image Credits: The Independent) 

Sunday 17 March 2019

Lynx Blue Line

Lynx Blue Line

The Lynx Blue Line is considered to be one of the most successfully project in recent times. In a country which has seen very slow progress of infrastructure projects, this has been completed in a near span of time. Covering 19.3-mile (31.1 km),there are 26 stations in the system, the light rail portion of which carries an average of over 16,900 passenger trips every day.

The LYNX line can increase frequency to 7.5 minute headways, with eight trips per hour, carrying a total of 4,160 people per hour, or 89 percent more people than a lane of I-77. When the LYNX line is expanded to handle three-car trains at 7.5 minute headways, the line could transport 6,240 people per hour. That's 2.8 times more people than a lane of I-77 can carry.

(Image Credits: WFAE)