Wednesday 24 April 2019

Shanghai Urban Rail Transit Expansion

Shanghai Urban Rail Transit Expansion

The world’s largest rapid transit system by route length is the Shanghai Urban Rail or the Shanghai Metro. And now, it is going to be even longer. It is already one of the fastest growing systems- with 120 km already under construction. But now, “nine rail projects including six subway lines and three intercity railways will be constructed from 2018 to 2023” (SCMP) have been approved to be part of the metro project.
“The projects are estimated to total 286km and will cost 298.35 billion yuan or $43.3 billion. The network is aimed at creating better connections between the financial hub’s two airports and two major railway stations” (SCMP). This is all more important as more than half of the trips made in Shanghai are on public transportation in Shanghai, where railways contribute to 60%. It would be interesting to see if New York follows suit and expands its subway network.

A picture of the Shanghai Metro (Image Credits: UrbanRail.Net)

Sunday 14 April 2019

Al Majd Road

Al Majd Road

Qatar is a developing country which has heavily invested into new infrastructure to turn itself into a tourist hotbed. As many would know, it is hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup. “Qatar’s new Orbital Highway is one of a number of critical infrastructure projects to be delivered ahead of the event. At 195 kilometres in length and 14 lanes wide, the US$1.7 billion motorway connects the new port at the Qatari capital Doha with Ras Laffan, the gas-producing industrial city in the north of the country” (KPMG).

Now called the Al Majd Road, this roadway is supposed to reduce travel time by 50%. Construction began in 2014 and it was officially opened in February of this year. This is also the longest road in the country with 21 major interchanges. It has two dedicated lanes for trucks and five lanes for light vehicles in each side. It can handle 10,000 vehicles and 4000 trucks in an hour. Apart, the roadway also serves about 30 residential areas, economic zones of development and the World Cup stadium site. There is also a possibility of expansion of the roadway into 18 lanes or have a railway line pass by the highway.

A picture of the Al Majd Road (Image Credit: The Peninsular Qatar)