Thursday 2 April 2015

California High Speed Rail

California High Speed Rail

A rail transit system, under construction for many years; one of the most controversial infrastructure project ever; a project panned by environmentalists, economists, politicians and voters alike. But, all of them are overlooking the many advantages of this high speed rail system.
Any intra-national project has always a high probability of success; look at the example pf Chinese HSR. An everyday commuter would tell you the difference made by even a medium-speed rail service. Highways and other road construction projects haven’t alleviated California’s congestion problems. The only solution is the California HSR.
It creates millions of jobs, by building the rail infrastructure and rail cars. Pt helps to reduce America’s trade deficit, (set to give $19 billion by new businesses) when it starts operations. It also reduces our oil consumptions, oil reductions and emissions. There might be even implications that it ends “oil wars” and lower US’s dependence on costly military operations. It provides a hassle-free, comfortable and accessible way to travel. During the rush hour, it is said to occupy 20,000 people compared to 8,000 in roads.
Obviously, as seen from above, the advantages overcome its de-merits.

"Dollars spent that get Americans out of cars will ease traffic, save money, reduce pollution, slow global warming, and make us less vulnerable to volatile oil oligarchs."  -Bloomberg

This could be prevented only by implementing this mega infrastructure project.

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