Sunday 27 September 2015



We all know of schemes involving integration of national grids of many countries. But, have you ever heard of one connecting in the sea? IceLink Project, which is yet to be given the green signal, aims to cover more than 1,000 kilometres to provide renewable energy to UK. Almost 75% of alternative energy in Iceland comes from hydropower while the rest from geothermal. “Iceland enjoys the cheapest electricity prices in Europe thanks to abundant geothermal energy, wind and especially hydropower from glacial meltwater. The industry generates more than 12 gigawatt hours of electricity, about five times the demand from Iceland’s 325,000 population.” (Hebehappy)

England could exploit these potential, as experts estimate that Iceland could provide 5 terra-watt hours per year, at a cost 15% cheaper than UK’s offshore wind projects. The bigger implication of this project is the rising importance of under-sea cables as well as providing renewable power to rest of Europe. It is also expected to offer flexibility options to UK’s energy policy.

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