Thursday 25 February 2016

Site C Clean Energy Project

Site C Clean Energy Project

A major infrastructural project currently being constructed on Peace River in British Columbia, Canada, the Site C Dam (also referred to as Site C Clean Energy Project) is expected to cost around “$8.3 billion. Designs call for an estimated capacity of approximately 1,100 MW and an annual output of 5,100 GWh of electricity” (Wikipedia).  

There will be a drastic impact on the businesses and commerce underway in the region and will also increase employment there, especially in contracts, engineering, service, maintenance, machinery, equipment etc. It will serve more than 500,000 homes and expected to power nearby industries for at least 100 years. It is also expected to export power to US. Though there was stiff opposition to it as it would require take-over of fertile agricultural land and global warming, 

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