Thursday 24 March 2016

Ring of Fire

Ring of Fire

A First World country, Canada is all set to open a humongous mining and smelting processing belt will benefit thousands of its citizens if it opens soon. Despite its many controversies surrounding it, it is expected to bring unlimited employment opportunities and economic prosperity to a remote part of the province’s north. 

With the province being of the least developed area in terms of infrastructure, this project is expected to bring in much-needed power and basic transport facilities in the region. CBC says "Chronic housing shortages, low education outcomes and lack of access to clean drinking water jeopardize the ability of local First Nations to benefit from the significant economic, employment and business development opportunities associated with the Ring of Fire developments."

The project is expected to show revenues uptil $30 billion to $50 billion and will create up to 5,000 direct and indirect jobs.

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