Wednesday 31 January 2018

Durango-Mazatlán Highway

Durango-Mazatlán Highway

Mexico- a country despite its great potential fails to evoke the notion of an emerging economy to look out for. Several reasons are behind this- many of them due to human mistakes, some because of natural barriers. The Durango-Mazatlán Highway, which curves around Sierra Madre mountains is a combination of them. Known colloquially as the ‘Devil’s Backbone’ due to its connection with marijuana and opium poppie gangs, it was also a very difficult road to travel on. All of it has now changed.

The new Durango-Mazatlán Highway has completely transformed the local landscape. It is 140 miles long, has 115 bridges and 61 tunnels. It would 5 million vehicles, increasing the old road’s capacity by 4 times and cuts travel time to 3-5 hours. Atolling system aims to recoup the US$2.2 billion cost. “'The road will increase jobs and keep people busy,' said Eligio Medina, mayor of the city of Concordia, Sinaloa. 'When there is social mobility, criminal groups are more limited' (Daily Mail).

(Image credits: Geomexico)

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