Wednesday 4 July 2018

The Auckland Project

The Auckland Project

Considered to be one of the most ambitious urban planning project initiated in recent times, the Auckland Plan 2050 aims the city to be the world’s most habitable metropolis by then. It plans to increase its population level by 50%, which requires more than 300,000 new houses while the economy has to absorb 250,000 people in the economy. This population growth needs to be managed from creating housing, jobs to schools, hospitals to recreational facilities.
“In the process, (the project would) address transport and housing shortages, create more jobs and protect the environment. With its city rail link, green expansion strategy, and social housing and schools, the holistic approach brings together communities, government, businesses, educational institutions, social agencies developers and financiers” (KPMG).
There is a proposed alternative to the existing transport network which would be an integrated transport system connecting people, places, goods and services. The plan would also better integrate land-use and transport decisions more than the original 2012 Auckland Plan.

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