Thursday 29 November 2018

Khi Solar One

Khi Solar One

South Africa- another country, just as Mexico which has failed to evoke the notion of an emerging economy to look out for, despite its great potential. A major mistake is large-sclae corruption present in major infrastructural projects. One project everyone hopes its operations are not stopped due to corruption charges is the high-budget Khi Solar One project.  
“The 205 meter high Khi Solar One is a technically stunning thermal power development with more than 4,000 rotating mirrors. Judges said this project stands apart from other impressive efforts within South Africa’s first state renewables procurement program. It will prevent approximately 183,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year as part of the country’s goal of generating 17.8 GW of renewables by 2030. The project has been supported by US$70 million of European Investment Bank funding and should encourage other investors and lenders to support renewable schemes in South Africa” (KPMG).
This plant has been specifically designed to meet South Africa’s renewable energy needs. Khi Solar One will prevent approximately the release of 183,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year, and will supply clean energy to approximately 45,000 households while simultaneously creating an average of 600 jobs during construction, and approximately 35 jobs during operation.

(Image Credits: Abengoa Solar)

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