Monday 16 September 2019

Jiuquan Wind Power Base

Jiuquan Wind Power Base

China has a plan to supply 15 percent of the country’s energy from alternative and renewable sources by 2020. And one such project which is already helping the country to do so is the Jiuquan Wind Power Base. Also called as the Gansu Wind Farm, this facility was established in Guazhou County which has an abundance of wind resources. This project which costed US$17.5 billion is the largest collective wind farm group in the world.
At present, the complex is operating at below 40% utilization of the current 8 GW with a planned capacity of 20 GW. It is expected to grow to 20,000 megawatts by 2020, at an estimated cost of 120 billion Chinese yuan ($17.5 billion). Yet, some critics have questioned its cost-effectiveness, as the site is located far from the major Chinese cities and is producing less than half of its full potential. The demand factor of wind energy in China is also in question. According to a NYT report, China is only using about 40 percent of its supply. So, would this project help China to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions? Questionable. As usual, let us wait and watch!

A picture of the farm (Image Credits: Interesting Engineering)

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