Tuesday 18 February 2020

Puget Sound Gateway

Puget Sound Gateway

Washington state’s project will expand highways to relieve traffic and congestion between Seattle and Tacoma. It is also expected to increase the ease and efficiency of the transport of commercial goods along the routes and to the ports and solve the ‘last-mile’ problem. WSDOT also claims the project would reduce congestion through the region The project is expected to cost $2.8 billion. At present, it is “in planning” stage. “The majority ($1.57 billion) comes from the Connecting Washington Revenue Package, tolling revenue is expected to be $180 million, and local contributions will be $130 million. PSRC has provided $8 million in regionally managed federal funds to Gateway-related projects” (PSRC.org). Other major stakeholders in this project include the Port of Seattle, the Port of Tacoma, and several local jurisdictions.

A picture of the proposed project (Image Credits: WSDOT)

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