Sunday 26 April 2020

Bangladesh Dialysis Centres

Bangladesh Dialysis Centres

This blog is now expanding to focusing on infrastructure of a type which hasn’t been explored at all: healthcare infrastructure. The first project which I am going to focus on is in a country of the Indian subcontinent: Bangladesh. According to KPMG, “Bangladesh is launching its first healthcare PPP: two dialysis centres in the cities of Dhaka and Chittagong at a cost of US$1.8 million” (KPMG). The role of the private sector in this project would be that of creating the existing infrastructure while the government would provide financial and logistic support.  There would be a leasing contract between the Directorate General of the Health Services, the Infrastructure Development Company (which acts as the capital provider) and Sandor Medicaid (which is the project developer).
This initiative is said to increase the number of dialysis machines and broaden the level of dialysis services by adding new capacity into existing public hospitals. This project will be developed through the design, build, finance and operation (DBFO) method. It is said that, based on the success of this project, other healthcare infrastructure-related projects like diagnostic services, imaging facilities, laboratories, pharmacies and ambulance services might be completed through public-private partnerships.

The Chittagong Medical Center, shown here, would have one of the two dialysis centers in this project (Image Credits: National University Archive)

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