Sunday 21 March 2021

Honolulu Rail Transit

Honolulu Rail Transit

Honolulu has been slowly growing as an important city which would need a rail transit system for its own. For a long time, there has been a debate on whether such a network is required and if so, would it be a light rail system or a heavy system. Anyways, a 20-mile system with 21 stations for $5.2 billion was announced in 2012. 

“But by this past fall Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell was projecting the rail line will not be done until 2033, and will cost an astonishing $11 billion...that marks the third time since 2012 the city has announced huge rail cost overruns, and this budget shortfall may be more difficult to resolve than the previous two. A key lawmaker says it will be “too difficult” for the state to step in for a third time with a financial bailout for the city rail project” (Civilbeat).

The project definitely has its share of benefits as it would be a big uplift for the economic development of the region? But at what cost? This blog would continue to cover this project in the upcoming months. 

A picture of the rail network (Image Credits: Civilbeat)

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