Tuesday 20 April 2021

Indiana Convention Center expansion

Indiana Convention Center expansion

As said before, this blog covers infrastructure projects of every kind, Sometimes, they can even be private, commercial projects which can serve the public community. The Indiana Convention Center is a good example of a centre which has brought in tourists from other states while serving as a congregating point for the locals. But, now the time has come for its expansion.

“The Indianapolis City-County Council will seek support for up to $155 million in bonds for an expansion project related to the Indiana Convention Center…the expansion plan calls for construction of a 50,000-square-foot ballroom across the street from the current convention center. A walkway will be built to connect the new facility to the convention center. Construction will include 93,500 square feet of space for meeting rooms and other uses. City leaders plan for the project to be completed by 2024” (Americaninfrastructuremag).

While there might be questions asked on whether such a project is needed in these COVID-19 times, the leadership might be appreciated for taking such a bold move. This is seen as an investment for the future. 

A picture of the existing convention center (Image Credits: IBJ)

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