Sunday 6 August 2017

Alstom and Bombardier in India

Alstom and Bombardier in India

Two of the biggest mass infrastructure companies in the world are looking to expand their operations. Named similarly for adjectives, describing their size and scale of operations, Alstom and Bombardier have been mainly involved in the construction of metro rail systems in India. Both the companies’ Indian divisions are expected to cross $1 billion.

“It is no secret that Indian urban transportation will soon need to procure around 3,000 metro cars, 25-plus signalling lines, 5,000 EMUs (electric multiple units), nine high speed lines and 20 semi-high speed lines in the next 60 months. Of course, the requirement will be well supported by a network of advanced signalling systems and a regular supply of propulsion equipment for electric locomotives and EMUs to Indian Railways” (Businessworld). This is where both Bombardier and Alstom come into play.

Both the companies have manufacturing facilities in India. While Bombardier has a facility in Gujarat which makes metro coaches, Alstom has a site in Andhra Pradesh where it has recently manufactured the cars for the Kochi Metro. Both the companies are rallying around the Indian Prime Minister’s ‘Make in India’ slogan and are exporting cars to several countries such as Australia, Tanzania.

“At least ten Indian cities are working on metro railway projects and the government initiated a plan in 2012 to study the feasibility of such networks in all cities with a population of more than 2 million. Most cities with ongoing projects require companies that bid for supply contracts to manufacture in India, which led to the setting up of facilities in the country.” (Livemint)

With these statements, it can be said that India is trying to heavily upgrade its urban rail system. At the same time, it is also exporting the physical model present to other developing nations in Africa. With these aims in sight, both Alstom and Bombardier have a pivotal role to play.

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