Thursday 17 August 2017

Penonomé Wind Farm

Penonomé Wind Farm

This blog does not only cover sustainable projects in developed and developing countries. It also sees the developments in small countries which are making huge strides for a clean. Green environment. One such country is Panama.

Already a nation reling on hydropower, Panama decided to invest in wind energy for long-term use. Hence, the 270 MW Penonomé I and II wind projects was developed by Panama’s national power utility. Comprising 86 Goldwind 2.5 MW turbines and covering over 47,000 acres, the project, enabled by legislation in 2011, will help diversify energy production in a country that has traditionally relied on fossil fuels and hydro power, and cut CO2 emissions by nearly 450,000 tonnes annually. Due for completion in 2014, the US$134 million project is financed by leading banks and a syndicate of local, regional and international lenders. Further phases of the project are currently in progress.

Until the potential blessing of fusion power is realized, clean energy sources like this one will become increasingly critical world-wide.  With hydro becoming a politically charged subject in Panama, expect to see more wind and other projects like this one in the future.

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