Friday 17 November 2017

US elections 2017- A turning point for infrastructure

US elections 2017- A turning point for infrastructure

The recently held elections in various states in the United States could mark a turning point regarding much-needed infrastructure reforms in those states. Through ballot measures, a majority of people voted yes for infrastructure investment initiatives: whether it is for property acquisition or expansion of highways or bonds or increase in taxes.
This year’s results do not surprise many as more and more youth are actively interested in making some major shakeups in the infrastructure industry and aren’t afraid to not reward those who don’t take action. “According to analysis by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), 69% of the 280 transportation funding ballot measures up for vote were approved in 2016, totaling $201 billion for state and local transportation projects. Meanwhile, between 2013 and 2016, 91% of legislators who supported legislation to increase the state gas tax were reelected, according to separate analysis from ARTBA” (

It will be interesting to see if this trend continues or not!

Sunday 12 November 2017

The Billion-Dollar Mega City

The Billion-Dollar Mega City

Recently, Saudi Arabia has announced a slew of initiatives which is trying to enhance its new image of being a reformist, modern Islamic country. Whether it is giving citizenship to a female robot, allowing women to drive or Vision 2030 plan or trying to open up the economy, the new Crown Prince is attempting to give a makeover to Saudi Arabia's image. Just recently, the country had announced a $500 billion city to be built on the Kingdom's Red Coast. 

"The 26,500 square kilometers zone, known as Neom, will focus on industries including energy and water, biotechnology, food, advanced manufacturing and entertainment" (Arab News). It is interesting to see the new direction the Kingdom is heading in: more private investment and less government intervention. Expecting to turn in more than 30,000 jobs, the government is also trying to diversify its economy, by not only focusing on non-oil economic sectors but also tourism as the country had announced a project to turn 50 of its islands into luxury resorts back in August. With this media-driven aggressive image, would Saudi Arabia be able to deliver on its promises? Let’s wait and find out!

Monday 6 November 2017

The Legacy Way Tunnel

The Legacy Way Tunnel

Australia’s Queensland is trying to put its best efforts to push itself as the new major economic centre if Australia. To aid in its development comes Legacy Way Tunnel, a highway tunnel, linking the Western Freeway at Toowong and the Inner City Bypass at Kelvin Grove, Brisbane.

“The Legacy Way Tunnel in Queensland, Australia will provide a direct, high-speed link between the residential growth areas to the west of Brisbane and the airport in the north – effectively bypassing the city center. The project highlights the need for urban mobility and is a vital component of Brisbane City Council’s TransApex transport plan, aimed at reducing inner-city congestion. It is scheduled to be completed in 2015” (KPMC).

(Image Credits: Weekend notes)