Friday 17 November 2017

US elections 2017- A turning point for infrastructure

US elections 2017- A turning point for infrastructure

The recently held elections in various states in the United States could mark a turning point regarding much-needed infrastructure reforms in those states. Through ballot measures, a majority of people voted yes for infrastructure investment initiatives: whether it is for property acquisition or expansion of highways or bonds or increase in taxes.
This year’s results do not surprise many as more and more youth are actively interested in making some major shakeups in the infrastructure industry and aren’t afraid to not reward those who don’t take action. “According to analysis by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), 69% of the 280 transportation funding ballot measures up for vote were approved in 2016, totaling $201 billion for state and local transportation projects. Meanwhile, between 2013 and 2016, 91% of legislators who supported legislation to increase the state gas tax were reelected, according to separate analysis from ARTBA” (

It will be interesting to see if this trend continues or not!

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