Saturday 4 November 2017

George Massey Tunnel Replacement Project

George Massey Tunnel Replacement Project

Canada’s British Columbia is seen as a major economic centre in the future, which will also serve as a balance to Canada’s continuing economic balance in the region. To aid in its development comes the George Massey Tunnel Replacement Project, a highway traffic tunnel in built at an estimated cost of $16.6 million in 1959 ($140 million in 2017). “It seeks to address the issues of congestion and aging infrastructure” (KPMC). The existing tunnel is a critical component of According to the B.C. government, travel time is down for buses by 30 minutes a day, an estimated 35% reduction in collisions as well as other advantages such as improved transit, environment, integrated modes of travel.

“The provincial government is developing a business case to build a new bridge on the existing Highway 99 corridor. Subject to environmental review, construction is expected to begin in 2017 to ensure the route continues to meet the growing needs of communities, businesses and stakeholders that rely on this crossing” (KPMC). But now, ageing issues is cropping into the tunnel. Recently, the B.C. government has ordered review of the tunnel. Let us see what has happened.

(Image credits: News1130)

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