Saturday 23 December 2017

Montevideo Sanitation Project

Montevideo Sanitation Project

In this blog, there have been projects detailed from several countries- from developed, developing, underdeveloped and in-development. This project is from a country which you cannot classify under any of the above mentioned categories. This is the Montevideo Sanitation Project, a sanitation project in Montevideo, the capital and largest city of Uruguay. Water quality has always been a persistent problem in Montevideo, hence the extensive economic project.

“Uruguay’s Montevideo Sanitation Project will extend the sewer system to 100 percent of the population by 2015, allowing the city to clean up its most popular beaches, and reduce contamination of rivers. Financed with support from the Inter-American Development Bank, the US$280 million program has benefited from a long-term institutional and political framework, which can cope with any changes in government” (KPMG).

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