Saturday 9 December 2017

Perth Wave Energy

Perth Wave Energy

Australia is making some huge efforts in creating sources of alternative energy. Whether it is solar or wind, Australia is now one of the biggest global producer. A renewable source whose potential hasn’t been reached yet is wave energy. This is where Australia is focusing on now. An offshore wave power plant based in Perth, Western Australia is under construction as of now. About $31 million have been invested in it and the power output is 5MW. It is being developed in two phases by Carnegie Wave Energy. The plant mainly uses a fully submerged device that uses wave power to pump water to shore for conversion to electricity. Its main customer would be the Australian Government Department of Defense.

“The project is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of more than 500,000t over its entire life. A unique feature of the CETO technology is that it is fully submerged underwater and also attracts marine life” (

(Image credits: Inhabit)

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