Monday 27 July 2015

Moscow Central Ring Road

Moscow Central Ring Road

The disintegration of USSR had let Russia to be considered a “developed country”, but still without any major infrastructural project in its name. This might soon change with the completion of Moscow Central Ring Road by 2018. Expected to encircle Moscow and cover 521 kilometres, 4-8 lines and with a maximum speed of 150 kmph, the Central Ring Road will boost Moscow’s image.

It will easily deal with Moscow’s ever-growing traffic. It will also reduce traffic congestion on Moscow Ring Road, the premier expressway in the city. “The new Central Ring Road will be equipped with road traffic automated control systems with weather stations and landing sites for air ambulance and rescue services’ helicopters. There are also plans for installation of noise barriers close to settlements. During the building of the road environmental issues are expected to be also taken into account, through the building of a system of storm water drainage and special crossings for animals. It is planned that The Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor) will be responsible for the implementation of the project and will manage it.” ( Since it is built on a PPP model, it will be expensive to use it. 

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