Friday 31 July 2015

Sao Paulo Metro

Sao Paulo Metro
One of the biggest rail infrastructure project underway is the expansion of Sao Paulo Metro, currently its Line 6. The Sao Paulo Metro is the second largest in South America, serves 65 stations and covers more than 70 kilometres. Line 6 especially will cover 15 stations, stretching more than 15 stations. It is an important example of public-private partnership model, as private companies have participated in its construction from its inception.

This metro project is very important to alleviate the traffic burden on other forms if transport. “In 2002 about 7.4 million journeys on public transport and 8 million car journeys took place in São Paulo. Then, the number of journeys by car represented 53 per cent of the daily total of motorised journeys in the Metropolitan Region, an increase from 48 per cent in 1997.” (Lsecities) Hence, with the development of Line 4 and integration of all subway, commuter and bus networks, it has helped to improve transportation for more than 600,000 residents. It has helped an increase in public participation of public transport. With all lines operational by 2020, Sao Paulo could be a major economic player in the future.

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